Adjustable RPM limiting is provided by an adjustable push wheel switch which selects the RPM in increments of 100 from 2,000 to 9,900 RPM. Limiting is accomplished by causing a programmed misfire sequence of the engine when the RPM exceeds the set point.
It does not short the mag or alter the magneto performance in any way. It is completely safe with a supercharged engine and will not cause backfire or crossfire in the cap which causes catastrophic engine damage. This unit has been designed using the newest linear, digital, and power devices. The device weighs only eight ounces and is small in size at 4.0” x 2.25” x 1.80”. Over all, it has a mounting plate with holes for grommets or DZUS fasteners. This rev limiter has been designed to operate in the presence of mechanical vibrations and high electrostatic ignition noise generated by magneto ignition systems.
Caution: It is imperative that both magnetos' timing is synchronized together within one degree. The blue wires are connected to the primary side of each magneto kill switch.